This view is that the week of creation in Genesis 1 is a literal 24-hours/day 7-day/week time frame. It has many progenitors and has been around a long time. The basic idea is that Genesis 1 needs no explanation because God just ‘did it.’ Science does not come into play because God just overrode the laws of physics, to make everything in 6 24-hour time periods.
In this scenario, God may have even put dinosaur fossils in the earth in order to test our faith in the Bible vs. the fossil record.
While I certainly have no problem with God’s ability to create the worlds in this way, I don’t think that is what He did.
In order to do this, God would have had to suspend or override the physical laws He was about to or had just created. Could He have done it? Of course, I just don’t think He did. There is another explanation that stays true to the Bible – even in a literal sense – and takes into account what we have discovered in the way of physical laws that are working in the universe today.
Consider this also. God did not separate the night from the day until day four of creation (Gen. 1:18-19). Since a solar day is measured by a day and a night, what was there to measure the first three days of creation? There had not been the sun or the moon to rule over the day and the night until day four!