About This Blog…

Welcome to my blog “The Bible And Science.” Here you will find my thoughts, posts, quotes, and information about the correlations between Biblical truths and scientific discoveries. I want this site to be interesting to everyone, even if they don’t have a background in science or theology. For that reason, I will try to avoid getting way off into the weeds in technical jargon. I will do my best to make the subject matter exciting, interesting, as well as understandable and accurate. I also want to provide a forum for the more serious students of either the Bible or science. I welcome your posts. The only content that will be monitored will be for language or violence – not diversity of thought.

Some Christians have a problem with science, while some scientists have a problem with the Bible.

I have been in ministry for over 40 years, have been in a pastorate for most of that time, the pastor of one local church for over 30 of those years.

I have always had a tremendous interest in scientific discoveries as well. In addition to being a pastor, I currently teach high school sciences and hold certifications in Earth Science, Biological Sciences, Physical Science, Astronomy, Forensics, and Chemistry.

In my opinion, there is no conflict between Biblical truth and science. Where people find conflicts, it is either because of a lack of information, or misinformation. Sometimes Biblical truths are misinterpreted, and sometimes scientific facts are misapplied.

In my blog, I will present both and show that there is room for many correlations between the two.

I welcome your challenges, likes, comments, and shares!